3GSP concept and serendipity management principles raising interest in Russia

September 2, 2013

3GSP concept and serendipity management principles raising interest in Russia

During August 28-29 Ilkka Kakko has participated a training event for managers of Russian technology parks at Technopark of Novosibirsk Academgorodok, “Academpark”. Ilkka’s first day’s contribution included a participation as invited speaker in high level expert panel and a keynote lecture “The Fundamentals of Third Generation Science Park”. The following day he has conducted a two hour “Serendipity Management” master class, which raised a lot of interest among the audience. It was considered to be one of the highlights of the whole three day event and gained a very enthusiastic response from about 40 participants. Here is the feedback from one key participant:

“Just attended Serendipity Management Workshop delivered by Ilkka Kakko at our innovations & entrepreneurship fostering bootcamp deep in Russia, in Novosibirsk J. Even thought the term “Serendipity Management” may sound as an oxymoron, the workshop provides very clear examples and guidance how to keep your mind opened to new ideas, how to stimulate “unexpected creative collisions”, how to spot and harness those of potential business value. Very good balance of theory, sound example, practical exercises and activities, made the Serendipity Management Workshop real highlight of the day. Really enjoyed the Workshop and deeply believe in Serendipity Management as a “must have” skill for all those dealing with innovations both in startups as well as in big corporations.”   Alexey Nikolaev, Innovations and Entrepreneurship Development Manager, Intel Russia.

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2013-08-29 12.02.04


Photo: Participants of the master class                               Photo: Presentation of the team work results

The event was a joint initiative of Russian ICT Ministry, Intel and Russian Technoparks Association. It combined plenary session and hands-on practical workshop. The workshop had the “train-the-trainer” format and intended to provide managers/administrators/staff of technology parks and incubators with the best management practices and working models.

More about the event in these links (in Russian):





The main photo: Governor of the Novosibirsk Region, Mr Vasily Yurchenko, having an opening speech of the expert forum, sitting on the background the experts (from left) Ilkka Kakko, Pekka Viljakainen, Advisor to the President, Skolkovo Foundation, Mark Shmulevich, Deputy Minister at Ministry of Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation and Olga Lobanova, Director of Corporate Affairs Group, Intel Russia.