Karostech invited to contribute to ISPIM conference on June

April 12, 2013

Karostech invited to contribute to ISPIM conference on June


The XXIV ISPIM Conference – Innovating in Global Markets: Challenges for Sustainable Growth – will be held in Helsinki, Finland on 16-19 June 2013. Organised by ISPIM and hosted by Aalto University School of Business in partnership with Lappeenranta University of Technology, this conference will bring together around 500 innovation experts from 50 countries.

As one of the leading innovation conferences in the world ISPIM wants to follow the latest trends and identify also the emergent innovation paradigms and Karostech’s partner Ilkka Kakko, a respected  global expert in serendipity management, was asked to contribute by organizing two serendipity related sessions in the conference.

On Monday 17th of June Ilkka Kakko is holding a Hot Topic Roundtable session: Harnessing serendipity – where are your challenges?  together with Sebastian Olma , who is Creative Director at Serendipity Lab and the Author of the book “The Serendipity Machine”

On Wednesday 19th of June Ilkka and Sebastian will organize a workshop: Serendipity – understanding the key to organizational innovativeness

The conference program in details in this link