heat management

  • 12 May
    Karostech accepted as a certified dealer for PolarSol heat management systems

    Karostech accepted as a certified dealer for PolarSol heat management systems

    Karostech was today accepted by SonnSe Oy as a certified dealer for PolarSol heat management systems. The agreement is project-based and gives Karostech an exclusive PolarSol dealership in selected pilot projects. On the cover picture the Managing Director of SonnSe Oy, Elena Sonne, and Founder and Partner of Karostech Ltd, Ilkka Kakko, are signing the contract.

    PolarSol is a Finnish start-up company and their products are the leading heat management products on the global market at the moment. The elements of hybrid ‘solar-air’ heat management systems are based on patented manufacturing technology originally developed at Bauman State University in Moscow. PolarSol Oy was just last week accepted to EU Commission funded Horizon 2020 SME Instrument Program, which is also called as the European Champions League of SMEs.


    jälleenmyyntisopimus 12.5.2015