Welcome post-normal era – We are prepared!

February 25, 2013

Welcome post-normal era – We are prepared!

This is the opening blog for the new forum, where emergent management paradigms and fresh ways of thinking and even revolutionary visions are presented and discussed. If you are responsible of opening up new ways of thinking for your company  or community, if you want to learn the use of new tools and inspiring facilitation methodologies – or if you just want to find inspiration for your every day activities, this is the right forum to visit regularly!

We believe that in this interconnected global business world the competitive edge comes from understanding that:

1)     the fundamental and useful information is flowing instead of being stocked somewhere

2)     the most effective form of organization is a movement

3)     the leading actors are individuals and communities

4)     the driving force is passion

5)     the competitive edge evolves from diversity

6)     the  success comes from respecting serendipity

7)     the sustainable work-life integration is the ultimate way to happiness

Our own formula for success c=km2 has proved to be a great trailblazer and highlights our philosophy when digging into the challenges of our customers. We believe in networked business models, where CNOs (Collaborative Networked Organizations) are essential elements. The impact comes from the flexibility and higher motivation levels in a structure, where passion in many cases is the driving force. There are some Living Lab initiatives and other good cases of community involvement, but overall the importance of this issue is not widespread understood in the contemporary business world. With well organized community facilitation methodologies the companies and the regions can revitalize their talent pools and attract motivated people.

 The impact comes from the flexibility and higher motivation levels in a structure, where passion in many cases is the driving force.

Knowledge alone is not useful, if the motivation on individual, community or company level is the limiting factor. Even the big institutions are focusing more on talent and shifting their focus from engagement to passion. This was a clear message at IBM Connect 2013 just few weeks ago. For the big conglomerates this might be the mission impossible, if they are not able to attract the surrounding communities into their business processes. The same applies for innovation intermediaries like science parks, incubators and regional development organizations. This blog will keep following actively all those various issues related to community building and facilitation. The importance of vision and leadership,  different types of communities and their life-cycle management, CNO issues, and various types of entrepreneurship will be discussed.

Some people just follow their passion, the others have to be engaged.  Here is an insightful clip explaining the fact that even though engagement is vital, it can not be managed.

The leading thinkers and advocates for the future solutions of business ecosystems and innovation environments – John Hagel and Stowe Boyd – will be some of the figures we will follow actively.  Both are enthusiastic, future oriented  and  have an ispiring touch when illustrating  the possibilities of the ”Pull society” – like John and his colleagues in Deloitte have named it  – or ”Post-normal” era – like Stowe likes to call this new business landscape we are entering.

Pull society or post-normal era  – anyway, it reflects the fundamental shift in the ways of people’s thinking, how business is evolving,  how innovations are created, the ways we communicate, interact and get excited, the drivers we feel passionate of.

Pull society or post- normal era – we could call it also the era of movements, the era of  passion, the era of community empowerment, the era of respecting serendipity. What ever the name, the time has come. Be prepared!